Breast cancer screening, yes or no ?

working girl

Your screening, your Your Decision Aid !

To form an opinion about breast cancer screening and decide whether or not to participate, it is interesting to weigh the expected benefits against the potential harms. Unfortunately, both benefits and harms of screening are poorly understood and subject to heated debates in the medical community.

Faced with such uncertainty, the chosen approach is to present you:

  • a benefits/ harms balance based on unfavorable assumptions about screening
  • a benefits/ harms balance based on favorable assumptions about screening

Your screening

Age of start of screening / End of screening age

Favorable assumptions

Benefit/risk balance with hypotheses favorable to screening. Assuming a 30% reduction in deaths from breast cancer and a 10% reduction in overdiagnosis among screened cancers. Values ​​for 1000 women.
with participationwithout participationbalance sheet
88 à 89 breast cancers79 à 80 breast cancers8 à 9 overdiagnosis
18 à 19 death from breast cancer26 à 27 death from breast cancer7 à 8 deaths avoided

Unfavorable assumptions

Benefit/risk balance with hypotheses defavorable to screening. Assuming a 5% reduction in deaths from breast cancer and a 35% reduction in overdiagnosis among screened cancers. Values ​​per 1000 women.
with participationwithout participationbalance sheet
97 à 98 breast cancers63 à 64 breast cancers34 à 35 overdiagnosis
20 à 21 death from breast cancer22 à 23 death from breast cancer1 à 2 deaths avoided


Based on used assumptions, for every 1 death prevented : between 1 and 31 lives needlessly disturbed by overdiagnosis and related overtreatment. Even in the best-case scenario (decrease of mortality by 35%), moins de 1 chance(s) out of 100 to prevent a breast cancer death through screening. Therefore, it's important not to exaggerate the significance of screening. For the vast majority of women, whether they choose to be screened or not will not make a difference (except for one or more false alarms for 662 of them).

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